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Jen has been captivated by the brain-body connection her whole life and how plants can help strengthen and heal that connection. First attending UC Berkeley at age 12 for Neuropsychology and moving on to Pre-Med at UC Irvine, she thought her path was in western medicine. However, after being discouraged by the medical system and trying to heal her own chronic illness, she began a more shamanic journey. This led her down to the jungle multiple times to work with the healing plants of the Shuar, Matses and Shipibo tribes and up to Montana to mentor with a medicine woman. She is a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Personal Trainer, and WOTE Level 2 Medicinal Aromatherapist. She trained in the Peruvian Jungle with the medicines of the Matses Tribe and has been blessed to share Kambo with the western world. She believes that plant essences are one of the most supportive connections we have available at this time on earth to help us with the many transitions and transformations (whether physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual) we are facing inside and around us. 


Tanjariitta grew up on a farm in Finland where her strong connection to the natural world was first fostered. She has always been curious about our essential spiritual nature, which inevitably lead her on a deep inner journey years ago. She has studied traditional psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, yoga therapy and energy medicine. Art, martial arts and yoga have informed her own healing journey and her work with others. In Montana, Tanjariitta has most recently worked as a licensed psychotherapist at an integrative medical clinic focused on treating chronic pain and addictions. Outside of her role as a therapist, Tanjariitta utilizes yoga therapy and her other body-centered modalities to help facilitate release work during the Kambo sessions.

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